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.Thursday, April 30, 2009'5:47 PM

came here right after u reached home?haha so rajin.actually i also visit here first whenever i go online.haha so semangat both of us.good sign at least,hope it won't die down ;)
I saw nigel and lucy pictures where they went to david archuleta's concert thru facebook.i tell u,u should go see those pics.
i can feel the love OVERFLOWING.
lucy don't visit this place rite.hope she don't.she'll kill me.haha.
but seriously lorr,especially nigel.filled with 幸福-ness until can explode.
haha ok too much ady better stop.
i was visiting one of the links from jaq's blog.it's about wedding photography la.
and i saw something.
i saw the date of your birthday.hahaah.
ok this is something very random.

see see, july 19. haha.

*pictures courtesy of http://www.thekbpblog.com/

Anyway,what's happening on your side during weekend?i sense something good.tell me when you're free.i love hearing stories.

oh yea,today is thursday rite?did u meet him?ok this thing we shall talk in private la.


.'4:34 PM

haha! yeah sounds so wrong la, but its not la of course XD
oh well, just remember to poke some holes in the bag so that they wont suffocate without O2.
haha no larh, dont.
I just got home.
And this is the first place i came  =)
Going out later again though..
see, i told you
i dont seem like someone having her finals
terrible right.
aiyorh you old lady, yes you told me, in your car XD
i wonder too, snap some photos for me k?
kinda curious
make more use of ur cam =)
cams are really interesting things. haha
ps: when you create a post, there are tabs underneath the title right? eg. bold, italic, left align, centre align etc.
On the right hand side, you will see " Edit HTML" and "Compose "
Click on " Edit HTML "
then you'll see something like:
<     img style=
"display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;
width:300px; height: 400px;" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_ECEOi-em25w/SfZTe1WgEII/AAAAAAAAAj0/2IsLhmXlZyQ/s400/P1000322.jpg" border="0" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5329538998222196866" />
haha wow. yeah okay, so those in red are sizes in terms of height and width, as you can see
For horizontal pictures, I use 650 for width and 450 for height in our blog.
And the verticals, they were 480 and 570
so how? you this these sizes are okay?
the one in orange is kinda crucial to maintain the pics quality after enlargement.
So yeah, the bigger pics must have a bigger number.
change it0 to 640
as for this, we'll have to stick to 640 yea, cuz they are certain standards for it.
haha, okay you try editing and see =)
there shouldn't be a problem.
HTML codes are killing, aren't they? XD

.Wednesday, April 29, 2009'5:38 PM

HAHA. well, pokai is doing well. still very semangat. i like that name. how cy and u 买我礼物买到穷. at least thinking back at the origin of that name maked me appreciate pokai more. haha. pokai looked abit fierce in the picture, maybe he angry i din clean him for so long. if u see properly u can see it's covered by some dust. kla, clean it when i'm free la. don't marah i din take good care of pokai.
pokai without pants (haha sounds wrong)


doraemon is doing well also.except covered by some dust also.haha.yes yes yes i'll do something about it. maybe wrap it in a plastic. u know that day my sister convo rite. my mum asked me to bring along this doraemon. can take picture with my sister. but in the end i didn't la of course.

This surely don't look familiar to u. 1 of my classmate went to australia and bought the whole class souveneirs so rich horr. This is a wombat. Haha so cuuuuuute la. The more i looked at it the more it gets cute. guji guji guji...looked so innocent somemore.
ah, the bee! 3 years already. and i remember in cx's scrapbook u cut my body and put it on top of the beehive. so stupid la, a bunch of guys carrying me like that. anyway, this year hari guru coming soon. maybe i can snap a few pictures to let u see la. did i tell u the prefects are doing in a 'hollywood' style? i want to see how hollywood they can go.haha.

p.s how do u resize the pictures ar?? why mine still so small?


.'9:10 AM

Why eat my ben ben? boo CANNOT! cute horh, round round de, haha
i was just counting, and just realized that i've received about 6 ben bens as presents already so far...quite O_O horh
so how's "pokai" doin?
oh my this cy, what a name to give it right? =___=
Haha anyways, so fast ar you...takkan u online everyday?dont see you de?
blah, haha how to see you? i barely even go on msn anymore
you know actually it is not ur mum calling that is funny
its the way you pick up the call
haha ask cy, ur expressions and all when you talk are really funny
thats why you saw us laughing that night, no la, maybe smiling....and smiling, vry sillyly at you XD
And that carrousel...
yea how could i forget? but very ex lorhh...
last tym when i was working @ inQbox they were selling it did i tell you?
quite "sam yok yok/yuk yuk/ youk youk" ( how to spell ar? XD )  to buy that tym cuz got staff purchase...which actually could've cut down the price by quite alot. sigh
and if you remember the music, its so nice right?
and the horses are soooooooo pretty
haha k la enough of my fantasizing. 
Dont dont disturb me until im done with exams la..
im that kinda person that'll rot staying indoor de you know
haha =)
but.....we'll see though, cuz you have exams too, all the way T =)
ps: resized the photo, i think bigger looks nicer? how do you prefer? haha you lemme know la..then we'll decide on the overall =)
My bee....
...and your hive.
haha =)
those strong men...XD
by N.

.Tuesday, April 28, 2009'4:54 PM


so surprised man. seriously, never thought u would gao dim it so sooon. u know, with all your exams coming soon, thought u would delay it. but but but, tadaa, here is it. gang dong ah. fuiyoh, finished in college somemore. i need crown u as miss efficient. *clap* :D

anyway, i realised i really don't have much pictures with u all la. maybe i always lazy to take pictures. next time must start to take pictures ady.

haha, remember this thing?

yea, anyway, back to that night, HAHA. random attack from me this time. actually i never thought of asking u to my church that night wan, but thinking that it's been awhile since we last met up so i give it a try. promise won't disturb u until your exams over. haha. actually my exams also coming soon lor, 1 month away T___T

but that yumcha session that night quite short la i think. time is running late. and yea, i know, my mom, my mom. (it's always her..haha..u all also get used to it liao)

p.s your ben ben looked like 2 汤圆, 1 sitting on the other. looked edible. hehe.


.Monday, April 27, 2009'7:19 PM

See, ben ben is jumping again, so happy =)

Honestly i was kinda shocked when i got your text.

know why?

cuz i never knew you could be so random, random like me, haha! XD

Anywaysss, i actually had my schedule on to study that night

but since there was a blue moon up in the sky for once XD

well, then why not? =)

Though, i still think that your random attack hit cy a lil harder, haha!

Well it was as usual, cool hanging out again..the catching up stuffs and all

i seriuosly feel kinda outdated already listening to the convo between the both of you bout the Form Sixes life

cy seems to enjoy it alot, do you?


also, anticipating on our Melaka driving trip. I'll wait =)

Alright, now that our blog is born...

keep me updated whenever you're free! tkcare =)

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Best viewed using IE! :D

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by T and N.

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?Credits .

Designer; %BENDAN
Fonts; Dafont
ImageHost; Photobucket
Pictures; Deviantart
Others; Paint, notepad .