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.Tuesday, May 26, 2009'9:30 PM

you know what...
thanks for showing me the beach pic, enlightened me alot seriously.
I've been to Redang too, N years ago too.
i hope the plan brings me to the beach this time
past had too many failures.
I wanna be a guy T
if i were a guy i wouldn't have waited until today and worse, yet still not been to the beach 
all the you're-a-girl-dangerous-to-go-alone blah crap.
sometimes really can't help getting geram over it.
the irony however, that's memang the fact though.
so i wanna be a guy
then after beach-ing i wanna be back as a girl again.
crazy me.haha i know
About the Malacca plan........
if all we need is a car, then i guess its on
Hmmm, car can borrow de ma right? 
cy's turn to drive la this time i dont care
My post kinda plain today........
i'll update more next time too
i know i've wished you
same goes to you yo yo boy =)
btw yo yo boy is cy did i ever told you?
and he calls me yay yay girl
hmmm....im starring at the glass you drew for us, its on my table
Ah, those were the good old days =)
i'll snap a photo of my Xiao Huang to show you how is he doing
till then, see you and.........

.Monday, May 25, 2009'7:09 PM

Hi just a quick update.

Actually i've been to redang before. N years ago.

It'll be good if i can go there again. haha.

U going there? Jealous lar. haha. but july august the monsoon season should not be around that time rite? Who u going with?

Bout malacca plan. All we need is a car.

Can your car be use? nyek nyek nyek.

Think i'll skip school tmr.

I'll write more next time!

p.s CNN pulak. when u calling the reporters to interview me? XD


beach pic to let you 望梅止渴.

It's a man made beach actually.

.Saturday, May 23, 2009'10:14 AM

actually i freaked out a bit
bad girl, memang know i get shock very easily pun mau bully me
haha btw how come your pics shrunk?
and quite suprised.
you got angry?
T got angry!!
can go on CNN liao
haha kinda curious, wanna tell me about it?
i raise two hands to agree
SLEEP. when you need to. okay?
Below is a 5 buck cookie 
so ex right, for one only lerh.....but it looks nice
so 27 yeah?
you still have a few more days to exam
but, less than two weeks for some pleasuring.
im probably going Redang in July or August
wanna join?
but...........our Melaka plan is still on right?
seriously im a despo wanting to see the sea.
dunno since how many years back i said this.
finally got kaki now

.Friday, May 22, 2009'5:34 PM

Hey woman.

It's another week.

So means less one more week towards freedom for u. haha.

I'm still not very good with controlling myself from falling asleep. XD

Maybe i should JUST sleep and care less hor?

Wow, nasi kandar? to be honest as long as i can remember, i don't think i've been to nasi kandar. good thing u can still enjoy during this stressful period.

You know, i'm not really surprised u did that to your straw. Since that case where u 'misused' my name as YOU in my blog's chatbox, i believe nothing is impossible. you're just too blur. haha.

My exams officially start next wed, which is 27th. A day before YY's.

Anyway, was kinda pissed off in school today. Just my problem with other people. It's been reaaaaaaally long i never had this kind of 'pissed off' feel in school. Better not talk too much here. since this place is not really private. If not monday i go to school got people put poison in my food. hahah.

Proven: I do get angry. haha!

Just something to show you.

Pic i took in china 2 years back. I realised the pic is saved in the laptop so show you some pics.

me and my 'whatever' pose. hahah. so funny.

this pic below will surely scare u.










haha shock onot. i think i must be really cold that time. i looked a dumpling.

haha just something for you to laughed at.


Have a nice + productive weekend!

.Wednesday, May 20, 2009'4:39 PM


that paper. 


so did you manage to stop yourself from falling asleep last night?


 but be good to yourself la

wanna sleep then sleep ma


i had the same disease too, haha XD

but sooner i realized that it was pointless

and i'd rather have a good sleep

then wake up with an active mind in the morning

much more productive


but for you kinda hard.......

cuz you dont have study breaks like me right?


Btw i had Nasi Kandar @ Kayu just now


haha i chose the Ayam Madu

then ask the guy to campur the few types of curry for me

super good. very satisfying. haha

but a lil spicy la


So this is the straw.........

....and look what your friend did with it

i used it upside down!

then awhile later i was thinking...

"eh why ar the straw can bend wan down there?"

pull it up, then ohhhh!....

blur me.


bought this but i haven't drank yet

its still in my fridge


the whipped cream looks different from the ordinary eg.swirls type from Starbucks eh.

special horh wonder how they did it

but i still prefer the traditional. looks more classic


but as usual.............

i dug out all the whipped cream again, haha!

Tkcare T

All the best!

Smart girl, i know you can do it!!


ps: oops, forgot, on the twenty-what?-th your first paper is ar? XD


.Tuesday, May 19, 2009'12:15 PM


im here to expand on my update last night



was kinda devastated back then

i guess that was the               worsT             paper i've ever done since last year

but its okay.

im gonna burn the bridges now

and get faith back on track

cuz i still see a little hope



haha, forgive my self motivating crap

im trying to keep my spirit up


so this is what i have to finish by this evening:


ruler's my bookmark

and im half way through 


and you? how are you doing?


K lets talk about something less stressful now


Its a tea cup!

Its a rose in the tea cup!

Its a heart on the tea cup!

rose? check.

heart? check!

isnt it nice?

when you pour your tea into it you'll get a love-shaped drink lerh!

ps: pouring milk will be pretty i think, cuz its white 


"not again???????"

haha oh yes.

and i somehow still feel that i havent got enough of it

slap me



.Monday, May 18, 2009'8:11 PM

paper was killing
i think my update's gonna be much shorter
not in the right mood to blog now
take care!
dont slack girl =)

.'3:35 PM

Hey there..

How's exam today?

by the way, what's wrong with your TONGUE?

so sorry for the short update.

actually i also need to study. XP

you know ar, for the past week, i really tak ada mood to sit down and really study.

always study half way end up in the bed. -____-


many many lucks for your exams!!

.Sunday, May 17, 2009'2:58 PM

im here to "DEstress" myself
haha, nice cake
much nicer than all the ones we ever bought i think.....
maybe ours were always very dau gei...
btw im eating tau foo fah now
something's wrong with my tongue
tell you about it next time la
btw see the pic down there....
flowers again
from Winter Warmers @ the Curve....
i like the place
cosy and comfy
has this very UK-ish feel
when my tongue gets better im gonna try their tea sets

.Saturday, May 16, 2009'7:11 PM


the green green thing is actually is christmas tree.

haha doesn't looked like one rite.

looked more like a party hat to me. XD

well actually that day went on quite smoothly. surprisingly. haha.

actually i didn't pay much attention to the opening ceremony. was busy taking pictures with friends. haha. but the entrance of the teachers was quite good lor. at least that is something 'fresh' i saw la. every teacher got a prefect to escort them into the tapak. it's hard to explain i hope u do get the picture of it. and the screaming and all. i think the screaming is from the form6 gila people. hahah.

and also played games with teachers. quite fun la tha day. extra hyper that day. haha.

saw farhan back in school that day also. he going to kelantan to study pilot u know.

geng riteee.

this is the hari guru cake by the way :D looked so tempting. *drool*

finally, all the best man!!

.'10:01 AM

haha HEYY!!
im currently starting to get gan jiong about monday, how how how gah!
wow.....haha yeahlorh not much of freshness
kinda disappointed
but maybe they had not much of guidance from the experinced
not to blame la
Hui Yi showed me the pic of the green green thing....
what's that ar?
she said she doesnt know what it is either
it looks like some tent at a parade with only the top
but cant be right
it has nothing to do with the Oscar theme
i told you i went One u right
and it was even before the shops were open
show you:
reminds me of my working days there

.Friday, May 15, 2009'2:08 PM

Whee. just got back from school. quite tired. maybe i keep run here run there.

You must be with the birthday girl now so lemme just show u the pics first.

Sorry la might look ugly. Don't have mood to fix the right angle. XD

this is the view from my classroom. can u see the green green thing and the stars hanging?

let u see better view below.

stars hanging just like how we did it last time. *copycat* haha.

and more stars.

can u guess correctly what is this?
look carefully! hahaha. have fun guessing.

.Thursday, May 14, 2009'8:01 PM

wah SO FAST u reply!!!

Another surprise from u. hahah. Anyway, sorry for the late update la. cuz ystdy actually wanna post wan but type halfway suddenly no mood. then cabut and go and sleep. today only continue ystdy's post.

About online rite.. cuz nowadays i mostly online in the afternoon wan. cuz at nite totally no chance wan. my sister sure use wan. but next next week.....

my exams worrrr. maybe during my term hols ba. still got so long to go. what's it u want to tell me? bet it's a long story so i think u also malas to explain here..

u wanna come tmr??? REALLY??

come come come. haha. but i thought u need to fetch birthday girl?




haha haven't go also so excited already. haha.

so long didn't go beach liao la me.

.'5:50 PM

Haha, finally i see your update wei.
I dont even know how many times i come in here everyday just to check
busy lately?
Oh my, wow....so you play a part in the suprise plan also? haha
my task is to fetch the birthday girl XD
k la so  tomoro we'll carry our duty to deliver those people
yeah its the one in uptown =)
eh, when you gonna come online?
i wanna talk to you.
ps:next next week? mine's in 4days. ZZZZZzzzzzzzz.
All the way T!
can you pui me go somewhere after all these end?
beach beach beachyyyyy ( hintsss XD )
i need to recuperate.
All torn.

.Wednesday, May 13, 2009'3:43 PM


New skin!!

Cup cakes!!

Now both my blogskin also related to food punya. haha.

Anyway, it looked NICE! thanks for the effort. 4hours man. so touched. haha.

Ok replying some questions related to your previous posts. Reply one by one in case i go off topic.hehe.

Q1: must have been quite a big event.was it good?

A: haha. the event ok ok lar. many of the mothers turned up. but the mike in the hall that day go gila. dunno why but it kinda spoil the event. abit la.

Q2:when you wanna show off your dress, and a guy of course, XD to me in a prom wei
( like we'll ever have the chance again horh )

A: i don't have a dress... so no chance to show off yet. seriously aku tak ada dress. haha. maybe the day u see me wearing a dress would be the day i wear the wedding dress.

haha. slowly wait la u.

i don't have a guy as well. so also no chance to show off. XD. show off also u show first la horr. HAHA.

Ok Q&A session end.

Nola, i DIDN'T buy happy meals!not that desperate for those doraemon la..

Saw the prefects on work for the hari guru thing today during school hours. kinda remind me about how we used to always rush last minute before hari guru to get the stuff. i wonder how we always managed to get it done on time no matter how last minute it was. But rite, when i saw the thing they're working on.. i doubt it'll be good. not trying to be a critic but seriously very what de lorh. anyway, we'll see tmr la. hope it'll turn out alright. i HOPE.
Tmr yoon xian's birthday rite. u know what, i have a very important task related to yx's birthday. that is to bring chia lit, you siang and hui yee to +wondermilk. cuz they dunno how to go there mar. they should be following me back with the bus and they'll just hop off at uptown. it's the wondermilk in uptown rite. there's no other branch rite. if not bring them to wrong wondermilk then can mati liao. haha.
I just realised a few days ago that my exams is next next week!!
The feeling is like still got long time to go before exams but it's 2 more weeks! yikess.
Like the normal catholic style, 3 days before term hols and 3 days after hols got exams... So fun. =S
I think by the time i finish exams, u also 7788 finishing exams lor. hehe.

p.s this is the 2nd i type this post. i think got some error when i want to edit and half of my post gone. so kena re-type la. next tiem must rmb to save first xP

.Monday, May 11, 2009'7:28 PM

 Nice shot of the moon =)
Yea..so bright right it made me so excited when i saw it
haha, you dont have to wait for cy to give you that stare k
i was already giving you " that look " when i was reading along
memang baik hati lerh you and ur mum and sis
must have been quite a big event
was it good?
About the prom
i actually really wanted to go
im like missing all the proms in my entire life
i wanna know how it feels like being a part of one
but also, due to some personal reasons i dont wanna go too
one after another, especially this time.......people come asking " are you going for the prom? "
and then " aren't you? "
then... " why! "
haha i actually dont really know how to answer to that
and i'll go typical saying...
"haha, dont really feel like going lerh, you guys have fun larh "
maybe someday later i should organize a prom or sth in my " future" uni or whatever it will be
so then i'll have a good reason to go for one
Lucy would definitely have fun there.
Its somehow different for me
there'll be no meaning even if i go this time
so yea, haha wow long explanation.
about the make up and dress up thing
i've to bring you alil back to my past
that's about 6 years ago
i think that was the time of my life, speaking about friendship.
honestly Hsien Wen was kinda the bestest bestie i've ever had
haha eh dont get sensitive
you're one damn good one too k
so back to HW and I
oh my i'm getting sentimental
its making me not knowing how to start this
anywayss...quite often when im walking around 1U, especially when im alone
i'll think of the times when HW was still back here in Mal.
We used to love the place alot, and practically did went there almost everday during the year end hols.
Shopping with her was the " funnest" experience ever
And for all i remember
after the hols....
things got complicated and kinda ended there
and thereafter i've never been in the mood to really dress up anymore
not to say i dont care about what i wear la, thats not possible XD
but the feeling just ain't the same anymore
anywayssss........i have to dress up for my Diploma exam
eh you also la
when you wanna show off your dress, and a guy of course, XD to me in a prom wei 
( like we'll ever have the chance again horh )
btw im not sad about graduating
i was never
and.........i think something's twisted somewhere in my life now
oh nooooooo....enough of the sentimentalness.
here's something:
i saw this at MC'D the other day
and thought of you
or.........you secretly started buying happy meals to collect all the doraemons already
happy meals nice k!
its my childhood favourite
used to have them almost everytime after swimming lessons
and as for " whats up lately? "
i did some flower arrangement 
( haha wanted to post this pic in my blog, but ahh, its okay, put it here, oooops XD )
ps: loving lavender, and fries from MC'D
tkcare =)

.'3:44 PM

Hey, what's up lately? :)

Heard from lucy you guys had your last day on friday.

So any feelings? sad ke?

btw, you going for college prom? i never see you dress up nicely lor.

i never see u put on makeup also.

i know u put on makeup sometimes wan rite. just that i didn't have a chance to see. XD

Anyway, was busy last weekend la. cuz if the mother's day thing in my church.

i went to church on sat at 3 and only manage to get back at 8 something.

why so late? cuz i stayed back to wash the dishes. 0_____0

not me only la, got my sis, mom, and another few ladies.

actually the caterer suppose to wash for us wan. but there's only


and he needs to clean


not to mention got pots and trays.

if he alone wash ar, next morning also not yet finish.

So me always being so KIND HEARTED. stayed back to help.

next time got big event must use disposable plates. if not wash until can pengsan.

although i know not environment friendly laaa. (cy don't gimme that stare)

the moon on saturday nite very bright. once i stepped out from church i straightaway noticed it.

So big and round.

Full moon @ 9th may '09

.Thursday, May 7, 2009'4:37 PM

Hey T~

Some pictures for us to keep =)

wonder whats with them and their rubber duckies right?

our table number =)

Your Salted Egg Fried Rice..

and my Something-something Chicken Fried Rice

or is it just Chicken Fried Rice?


you're right, our rice look the same



and 奶茶冰


So how was the test? 

you know since A-levels, i've been dreaming about stuffs like that too

but its kinda different from yours

i dreamt about the maths questions i couldn't solve

maybe i was too hooked up with the figures

this happened alot when exams were round the corner

but not this time

see, proven, i've not been working. 

but i've started a lil =)

haha poker face how come i never thought of that


Lady Gaga quite cool.

as in, she quite got 性格的咯


You know...im looking at my flower hair clip i bought the other day

the one i showed you

i dont feel happy looking at it anymore

but i still like it alot though

haha, anywayss...

good luck on your cookie monster!

dont give up


.Wednesday, May 6, 2009'10:27 AM


Just got back from school.

Spent the past 1 hour fixing my cookie monster.


html codes are giving me headache. i'm not touching the cookie monster anymore.

at least for the time being.

everytime i want to change something. something else will go haywire.

better not touch it anymore.

Well, the answer for the question i asked u. hehe.

Q: How do u wake Lady Gaga up from sleep?

What "gagagagagagaga"??? u thought baby talking mehh...

Actually the answer is


(Poker face marrr...)


So did u fell asleep last night?

i tell u, seriously nervous about this morning test.

Nervous until i sleep also dream that i'm doing the exam.


.Tuesday, May 5, 2009'9:56 AM

Lady Gaga.......Hrrmmm.....
" gagagagaaagga" her?
oh my sounds like a mouse
Memang @ Segi there's a fountain la
eh how come you know ar?
but its not Segi la, im not lying 
oh yea yea the kc time i remember
that was after meeting right?
kc and his N76
but the cheerleading thing..........
not so..
i know we were bored and left the stadium.....
but we did go there ka?
what we do worhh...

.'8:26 AM


actually i been to sg wang with u before lor. u didn't remember meh?
that time after the cheer 200? (forgot which year)
we got too bored and cabut halfway and took the lrt to sg wang. haha.

another time i think we went with kc after school.
to check out his nokia phone.

WHAT? i guess WRONGLY?
how can????
don't lie la u.
i know i'm correct.
klaaaaa, i try searching around my house.
give more hint mar...

Anyway, something to wake u up in the morning:
Q: How do u wake Lady Gaga up from sleep??
hehe. have fun guessing. tell u in the next post la.

p.s where are we going ar later? Is it on? :P

.Monday, May 4, 2009'5:06 PM

tell me marhhh, that you went sg wang
there's sth i wanna get from there
....quite terribly =(
its okay...sniffs sniffs
haha yeah nice place to buy stuffs horh...
cheap summore 
but i can get vry uncomfortable being among the crowd there
haha nice T
so whats the second?
i got 2 tops that day too
Actually.......i suddenly realize i've never been there with you, right?
it was always YY
i wont tell you the answer.......lala
one day you'll finally see it and you'll go like
guess im not that smart after all
yeah im free
so whats up and where to? 
right i'll screw all i want....
my gosh i sound so sick.

.'4:01 PM

Was pretty busy last weekend lor. My 'weekend busier than weekday' theory is proven true again. Anyway, went to sg wang with my sister last friday. that's why can't meet u up la. Bought some stuff la. For me, 2 actually. My sister bought more kay. jeez. One of it is this:

Haha, yea it's a doraemon shirt. I take this picture saja just to show u la. Kinda childish la i know. But who cares. It's MY shirt. Bwahaha. But sg.wang is really nice to shop. Only if i have more CASH!!

My goodness, where is that place??
Ermm.. my guess is the SEGi university??
cuz u said got fountain mar, at first i thought it's the hospital, but then i saw some blurred people behind the picture. So i'm guessing SEGi.
My house nearby not many fountain okay :D

Tmr i no need go to school. Bwahaha.
So can slack abit now.
If u're smart enough i'm actually hinting that u can come and find me IF u're free. haha. That's if IF u're free la.

So ur theme of the month is flower la. k k i'll try to post something regarding to flower. To match your theme mar hor.

Oh yea, cy said he's not in a rush in wanting back the screw driver. haha. so u can slowly screw. no rush no rush. ahahah.

p.s don't forget to tell me the answer :)

.Sunday, May 3, 2009'8:43 AM

Haha, yeah. Banyak efficient lerh us.
Thats the spirit lets keep it up =)
Had been busy the past few days cuz my sis came back
.....with her very own suprise plan i told you right?
haha you should've seen my mum's reaction.lmao.so funny
yeah i saw the pics the other night, as sweet as candy =p
i think they both look equally sweet though
haha wei k la, enough of the gossiping.
later lucy smack us. piak piak. 
well, besides cy and us i think no one has the link
you can tell her
or i can =)
if..............you dun wanna keep this blog low profile la
  By the way.....i bought a flower clip, again. haha
show you:

Its called a crcocodile clip right? I think so. 

Finally got the right flower on the right type of clip.

All the other clips that i've seen that can support the whole volume of hair on my head in spite however pretty the flowers attached to it are are kind of big and clumsy.

haha, and you know...im starting to like flowers these days.

I dont know why, i suddenly find them very.......nice?


yeah since im doing the flower talk

show you another something:

i took this @ some place near where you live.


haha! so bad right me, torture you like that

you must be thinking that im out of my mind


i wont tell you the answer until you finally got it right =)

Key: By a fountain. 


Haha, July 19.

You know what, the movie Jurassic Park...is this how they spell it? the dinosaur movie

and if not mistaken the third

haha it was on cinemas on the 19th of July too!

haha...okay sheeesh that was yearrsssssssssss back then

and i know they were many happenings on 1907

but somehow and i dont know why this is significant.

I was living @ my old house, and saw the ad on my old TV

which was on the 2nd floor

where me & bro & sis will cram up every 8.00pm on weekday nights after gobbling our dinner

......to watch POKEMON.


ps: wedding and bridal photos on that kpgblog makes ppl wanna get married, dont you think so? no?haha.


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