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.Tuesday, June 9, 2009'8:54 AM

A food post it seems.

Less than 24 hours we gobbled up quite alot of food eh.

Haha the pink star.

I think the only way to get it is to smash that machine and get that star out.

And if u see that star on your b'day, most probably u won't see me.

Cuz i'll be in here :

The 1 utama security will send me to lokap for stealing a star.

So on your b'day, it's either :

i) u see me, but no star.

ii) u see the star, but no me.

So 1 more week til your piano exam eh..

But what i'm more interested is the dress. haha.

Erm, if u like that just take that dress lor.

Unless u want to hunt summore.

But i don't think u have time rite. hahah.

U know that day i went to KTZ ss2.

I was wearing the sesame street shirt.

Then on the table beside mine is a family la.

Father, mother and small daughter.

Then when i finished, i turned around and about to walk out when..

The father waved his hand at me.

To be more specific, he waved at MY SHIRT.

Then he tell his daughter while pointing to my shirt:

"See.. elmo. Say hi elmo."

Then the girl turned around and waved also.


I also dunno what reaction should i give them.

Waved back ah.

.Saturday, June 6, 2009'4:47 PM

its 50 mins past 5

so i guess i didnt go for my movie after all


2nd best hot chocolate i ever tasted =)

was that a sotong? i didnt know got sotong inside actually haha XD

T ! i know what you can get me in one month and 13days time now

this super cute star k?

i dun want it off the shelf however similar they are

i want it from inside the machine


just kidding =)

seriously just kidding .

Lagsane . We were at Pizza Milano was it? forgot the name XD

point point. T wants this, haha =)

Our Pizza which had a pastry base so hard for us to cut ZZzzz

Should I? This?


my mum must have lemon in her juice i just dont get why


Finally, thanks T for spending some time with me today , and last night.

Even though i still didnt get to watch the movie.

Thanks ^^

.Thursday, June 4, 2009'8:44 AM

Nopey nope.

I didn't go for the campfire. D:

Cuz darren said it'll til very late and it'll be dangerous for a girl.

Something like that la.

But what he said is somehow true also laa.

But i saw the pics on Facebook :D

U should go and see also.

In one of the campfire pic where they are dancing, darren commented:

"orang asli"

LMAO. seriously funny XD

Friday night should be okay de.

U sure u can make it to 1u in half an hour time onot worr.

Haha. Nvrmind i guess i'll get there earlier to check out some stuff.

Heard u have a long exam tmr.

9.30am-7.30pm. O_____O

So long can die la for me.

Hehe anyway hope you have enough strenght(wrong spelling i know, suddenly forgot how to spell it xD) to go thru this 10 hours.

17 again okla. deal.

Other movies u watch already isit?

.Wednesday, June 3, 2009'2:35 PM

tada! 小黃says hi =)

so sien ar? friday night hang out la then, want? can ask cy come too, feel like meeting up with you guys =)

we go for movie, then later yam cha ^^

lets watch 17 again 

my paper ends at 7.30, can meet up at 8 yay =)

please please please =)

hope you'll be free, please please!


oh yea so how was the campfire, did you go? 

must have been nice, sigh. i would've joined them if i have no papers today

3 papers! in an hours time.


wish me luck!

ps: the blossom on the tree looks pretty, what tree is that?

at the playground opposite de? cuz i dun remember that there's a tree infront of your house XD

oh wait, got horh, that one, one right?


haha. blur.


.Tuesday, June 2, 2009'10:41 AM


Finally update this place.

Quite relax la these few days :)

Yesterday went to school in the morning for chem extra class.

Saw those LM people preparing for leadership camp.

Like how we used to ;)

Guess they should be doing their treasure hunt or amazing race by now.

Those are the days. Thinking back make myself feel old.

So 2 weeks to spend at home.

So sien lar.

I have 12 chapters of bio and 8 chapters of maths to cover.

The trees around my area will blossom around this time every year.

There's white and purple.

The one outside my house is purple.

The siloso beach is in the sentosa island wan.

You know why i know it's called siloso.

Cuz on the 'train' (whatever u call that lrt kinda thing) to sentosa island.

I ter-see someone sms-ing beside me.

Wrote something like 'going to siloso too'

That's how i know it's siloso.

Couldn't think of what to write..

Will update will i have new ideas. haha.

tk and atb.

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