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.Wednesday, July 29, 2009'5:22 PM

Yeap okay.
I'm okay with it la.
Though i'm still wondering why.
Hahah but it's ok.
Erm i think just leave it la don't have to remove.
Since we spent so much time on it :D
Aites, have fun during your hols la.

.Friday, July 24, 2009'7:06 PM

erm, T
didnt reply you the other day
you asked why did i remove my blog
actually im gonna quit blogging.
its not only about my blog, im quitting, just quitting, totally quitting, and for real.
so thats why im here
just to let you know im not gonna blog anymore
it was fun updating each other in here
but i guess this is gonna be the last
i hope you're alright with it
so lemme know when you see this k
lemme know when its time for me to remove it
or if you wanna keep it
we'll just leave it and let it stay here till forever 
just lemme know
winks =)
take care girl.

.Wednesday, July 22, 2009'5:15 PM

Bingo =)
haha, no lerh actually, school was my second guess.
but i dont know why i guessed that =___=
so random.
but really lorh, the star really cute
the smaller one cuter lerh actually
so fat
i tak sampai hati to pinch it also
everytime sayang it
( abit crazy la actually if you imagine how i look like when i do that XD )
yerhhh, actually very gandong lorh
you thought of what i like
thanks again 
look out point was pretty
but the view was a little spoilt by the bad haze, i think.
im thinking of going up another time
if i have the chance
so yea, haze
so take care girl =)

.'4:09 PM

Hello yea so about how i managed to get the STAR.

Actually i get it quite easily---school.

Hahaha the least unexpected place to get it rite.

cuz it was science & math week so they held a sale of stuff la.

mostly form 6 are in charge of that.

and and and 1 day my friend took out the bag of stuff they're suppose to sell.

and dunno why she took out the star.

When i saw it in my heart i was screaming :" THE STAR!"

And so ngam there's a PINK one also.

i fast fast 第一时间 grabbed it. Heheh.

Abit smaller than the 1 in the arcade but yea i myself got surprised when i saw the star.

but the sale of the star really laku.

my friends went KL 进货 for 3 times so u can imagine almost every catholic people have 1 at their house.

Hope u had fun that day la. though we din do much but mostly sitting down catching up with 1 another.

Something we din do for a very long time. the 4 of us.

How was the celebration at the look out point?


.Tuesday, July 14, 2009'7:02 PM

Hey T
i think i had a great day today
no its not exactly great actually...
but it was better than the past few days
had nobody to spend my lunchtime with today
cuz mum went out with her kaki-s for makan
hmmm haha eh probably my keenness in food travelling was inherited from her horh
k back to topic
yea so you know right...my throart like that, still soaring
i began thinking of Canton-i's congee porridge, again
tak di-resisted in the end drove to One U and dine alone
then teehee, ordered a bowl of tau foo far even though i was full already
asyik makan je...
later got food baby how
yea but you said i should eat more right
so i need to eat more =)
then later went shopping alone
spent most of the time alone today but i didnt feel lonely
and guess what
i went to Pull and Bear again
and grabbed 5 tops home
some of them are those you've seen yesterday
call me crazy
bought a pair of heels and another top from Nichi too
i love my heels 
love love
k dont ask me how much i spent please
i dont feel like mentioning
but i guess you can agak right
Pull and Bear was the killer
yeah thats pretty much what i did 5hours alone in One U
aww...my throat is soaring grrr
and i wanna eat the potato chips beside me now
but i cant 
hey, you relised something?
my post is so wordy this time
and its gonna be words on and on until the last fullstop
so hang on
tehee, pai seh
just a few pics from Redang taken but all weren't nice
i only took a few pics cuz it was really inconvenient to bring a cam around the beach
cuz our Resort was right at the hujung of the beach
and then you know
one hour we will be fooling around in the sand
two hours later we'll wet ourselves in the water
then later go snorkelling
then go play in the sand again
then snorkelling second round
and then diving
you imagine how hard it is to carry it around
not that my cam is water or sand proof kan
yea and since its not sand proof
it is rosak already
so if you realize i haven have pictures to post recently
sniffs sniffs :(
yea,and i guess i can save a little on the words since i told you about the island yesterday
but i left out something =)
you know at the resort i stayed in
there's these rocks that pile up about two storeys high
so one night as i was dining by the beach
i saw a couple sitting on the toppest rock among all
right under the moon
the moon in Redang was sooooo bright i tell you
and the stars were so preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttyy
yea i guess they were enjoying the night view of the whole island from above
must've been nice
they must've crawled from their balcony =)
k la, dont wanna torture you anymore
here's the last full stop
i hope you'll update soon though
even though you're fasting on the internet
take care =)
fullstop -----------------> .

.Wednesday, July 8, 2009'4:11 PM

Yea hello~

It's been quite some time eh.

Haha i'm writing this while u're having fun with the beaches in redang.

Please please put up some pics for me to see.

I seriously want to see.

There's no use telling me so many times of redang la.

You know i can't go wan la.

Even my heart says GO but my conscience says the other way round.

I need a vacation.

Maybe after exams la.

Now it's all about studies la. Anything besides that comes in later.

Yea i guessed that's it la. I gotta give myself more limitations.

I think i need to fast.

Fast on the internet.

As much as possible. (i wonder if it's even possible XD)

Hahaha cuz i find it very distracting with the laptop just lying in the next room.

Update on

redang redang redang redang redang redang redang!!!

.Wednesday, July 1, 2009'1:48 PM

apologizing for the missing updates =)

oh Hi Elmo!

haha cute la XD

24th June 2009

T & N @ The Curve, Mutiara Damansara

Paddington House Of Pancakes

your beloved =)

25th June 2009

T & I @ Amp Family Karaoke with YY

30th June 2009

T & I @ Mid Valley with the rest welcoming CX back from UK

Hey elmo, T =)

redang redang redang redang redang redang.....................

redang redang redang redang....

redang redang redang

redang redang


you know what i mean =)

give yourself a break la XD

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by T and N.

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Fonts; Dafont
ImageHost; Photobucket
Pictures; Deviantart
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